Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility
Our Strategy focuses on:

Thank you for visiting this page which is one of the methods we use to communicate our “sustainability” strategies internally, with our customers, and to seek like-minded external partners to create better solutions.
“Doing the profitable thing may conflict with doing the socially responsible thing, and that’s where you have to try to understand shareholder preferences.”
Nobel Laureate, Oliver Hart
Setting a context
Companies have to make a profit to survive and there is, of course, a correlation between economic growth and human wellbeing, however, making a profit and driving GDP growth on its own isn’t the answer to everything.
Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility is complex and involves a whole spectrum of big issues which appear so big that they can seem insurmountable or even unrealistic to take on unless you are a multinational corporation, an individual with an influential brand or a Government. So for a company such as ours, in a niche within the insurance sector, to contemplate taking this on seems much more than a “tall order”.
But it’s not unrealistic or futile to take on this challenge, as long as you firmly believe that “BAU” (business-as-usual) is not an option, and as long as you can set your sights on contributing within your sphere of influence or, better still, have a mind-set to collaborate and create partnerships, then to go further still by generating a network of partnerships (ecosystem) to create even better solutions. Acies MGU believes in this approach and has set its sights on making a positive contribution over time. We have identified a number of specific areas where we believe we can make a difference.
Acies MGU is a new technology and a data driven company which strives to incorporate a “de-risking” element in as many of its MGA products & services as it can. This requires more lateral thinking and is naturally harder than just keeping in your own “swim lane”. Adopting this “de-risking” approach involves research, assessment, and looking hard for ways and partners to prevent risks, so that the product we offer becomes more than just a contract of insurance. This also involves us looking at serving customers based here in the UK as well as overseas.
So, What are we Doing?
We know that our (and your own) decisions do have the ability to make a positive impact; the only questions we have to ask ourselves is how and where.
The United Nations’ sustainable development goals is one inspiring place to start – this has helped us to formulate our (Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility) strategy around doing more than “our bit” to improve “Life on Land”. Please spend 30 minutes watching this video on Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times, which premiered on 19th September 2020 presented by Thandie Newton:
Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations Sustainable Development
Our Strategy
We have embarked on a strategy to build a business and a team which is technology and data lead, as well as “de-risking” exposures wherever we can to the benefit of our customers. The UN’s Goal #15 “Life on Land” resonates with us because it’s within our ability to contribute.
Our strategy will lead us into contributing into areas seeking solutions relating to:
wildfires, environmental pollution, agriculture, the international trading of goods, cyber (and data) security, promoting health & safety post COVID, promoting security & safety measures and catastrophe risks like earthquake, hail and flood. Our contribution will also mean that we take a robust stance against corruption, money laundering and knowing our customer. Our contribution will not only focus on risk-based solutions but more efficient quicker ways to pay claims – to get cash flowing as speedily as possible into the hands of those who have suffered. Acting with integrity and transparency must be a given.
We will focus our attention and efforts on:
small and medium-sized businesses, which provide the economic backbone of most communities, to become more resilient, ultimately helping to protect people’s livelihoods.
Below is the United Nation’s high-level summary of Goal #15 “Life on Land”. If you are still in doubt about this higher purpose, then please spend just 8 minutes watching Sir David Attenborough’s “How to Save Our Planet” (link immediately below) as well as several other links which have inspired our Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility strategy going forwards.

How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks – YouTube
Forests, desertification and biodiversity – United Nations Sustainable Development
Forests | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (
So, combining our Acies “de-risking” business model with our Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility strategy, you can expect to see us engage in solutions relevant to the following areas: