Meet the team

Jaco Rabie

Chief Financial Officer

Jaco has 28 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant of which 17 years have been in the insurance industry across Property and Casualty insurance, broking and start-up Insurtech MGA.

Jaco spent 10 years working for AXA Insurance UK in roles covering Retail and Commercial insurance before moving to strategic roles including an international project targeting growth in the Japanese Commercial Insurance market before moving into broking where he was Finance Director during the sale of Bluefin to Marsh McLennan. He then joined and co-founded the UK’s first health insurance MGA, Equipsme, 6 years ago covering CFO, Risk and Compliance responsibilities and raising over £5m in seed funding.

Prior to insurance, Jaco started his career in Cape Town in auditing and consulting before moving to Fashion Retail. In the UK he started in investment banking with Barclays Capital before gaining experience in travel retail and the charity sector.